Excellent post! Thank you!

There are several theories on how all this developed. It has been reported Moderna started work on a mNRA vaccine before there was any identification of such a threat. Johns Hopkins offered a conference on how to deal with what has transpired a year before it did in fact transpire, just as they had forecasted. Several sources have noted the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations involvement including Bill Gates reported goals for population reduction. Of course we also have the NIH contingents benefits (moneys and revolving door) from furthering Pharmas interests in selling product (with protections from liability). Ugly perspectives for sure.

I do think our concerns extend beyond Public Health. The medical profession generally has suffered a severe blow by being silent and complicit by following the Fauci protocols and directions. On reflection I wondered why there didn’t appear to be any early treatment with applicable medications. I learned about why from Dr McCullough and Dr Malone on the Joe Rogan show. When I visited my Dr, she deferred to the “go home until your blood oxygen reaches and then go to the hospital.” I gave her a copy of the book Dr Malone recommended on the topic. She is still sticky and evasive as of my latest visit 2 weeks ago. Many people are saying they will never trust a doctor again.

Dr Malone and Dr McCullough both have been relating the Professional Review Board muzzles and threats to licensure, insurance concerns (re applicable protocols to be followed) and the Doctors who got vaccinated general desire not to discuss the topic.

With Amazon and Pharmacies wanting to take over patient care, restored relations is a priority from my perspective. For myself, I’m aware my Dr will be useless and a danger should I come down with Covid. There could be similar circumstances in the future. I trust her on other routine matters, make my own decisions on what to follow and when to seek other sources. I don’t want to be subject to a WEF style - wear sensors, walk up to an interface that reads them, AI that interprets them and recommends what to do. (Saw a horrifying video that portrayed exactly that).

A practice like yours, IMO, is the most viable/desirable option. We need to promote this type of answer and others. Turning ourselves over to WEF WHO style AI medicine is not IM0 an acceptable answer.

Thanks so much for discussing this horrific experience we have been and continue to go threw!

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through. Sorry

Also we need to consider and hopefully address the situations of Doctors who are federal, state, county - government captured and hospital, clinic employees. I admit a personal antipathy toward the hospitalists. That said all these Docs are captured by and subject to the constraints imposed by their employers. This can lead to less than optimum relations with patients and less than optimum care (IMO). Recognizing the problems and attempting to address them could also help.

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I agree. I’ve long said physicians have long lost control of our profession. With increasing complexity (and cost) in running a medical private practice due to many factors including govt regulations, healthcare insurance companies etc , hospital corporations have swallowed up private medical practices. This has hurt the doctor patient relationship as well as increased the cost of medical care. The large corporations are box checkers to maximize federal and insurance reimbursements.

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