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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Brooke Miller M D

Excellent coverage of the course of events! I hesitated at vaccination, deciding to wait and see. By mid-year, I thought - where is the medicine to treat this disease? When I found there were none, my quest began! My Doctor, as a Fauci adherent, strongly advised - get vaccinated! Learned of all the good Doctors successfully treating their patients. I live in Maryland,, true Fauci believers. I learned successful treatment was illegal. Anyone providing it would be referred to their Board for consideration of pulling their licenses. The more I learned the angrier I became. When I mentioned I was unvaxed a local woman ran from me screaming. A client fired me (rehired when fully vaxed they came down with Covid. I blessedly found Dr Malone on Rogan and have become one of the faithful opposition. So glad to hear you folks are ones with us!!!

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